Ground lamb is a unique ground meat that can be used in various recipes, especially flavorful Mediterranean-style dishes. Spices like cumin bring out its savory flavor. For an Aegean twist on a barbecue favorite, try substituting ground lamb into your usual recipe for burger patties. When they’re hot off the grill, top them with tzatziki. Ground Lamb is 80% Lean and 20% Fat.
Southern New Zealand’s fertile land and temperate climate ensure farmers’ supply, so our customers can be assured of high-quality, free-range, grass-fed tender sheep and lamb throughout the year. Our customers can be assured that their fresh meat is of the highest quality and bred to strict specifications by selected suppliers.
Lamb is loaded with vital proteins; just one 3-ounce serving of lamb meat contains over 23 grams of protein. Protein provides so much for the body with slow-burning, sustainable fuel. It also helps your body build, repair, and maintain muscle mass.
Because it’s made from meat and trimmings from various parts of the lamb, ground lamb has a distinct and unique flavor that enhances burgers, meatballs, shepherd’s pie, Greek and Middle Eastern cuisines, and other dishes.